Thursday, 29 November 2007


I do too much. I mean SERIOUSLY too much. Those of you who have been in my life for some time will remember me crashing and burning during A levels. Well, clever girl that I am I have taken on too much and, according to the doctors, could be back down there at any moment. You see, my running for disability councillor was described as being a couple of hours a week. To start with it was taking a lot more than that, and I thought that as I got the committee set up and going, my workload would drop but as I delegated, the workload didn't drop- the people who I delegated to seem unable to take responsibility for their own work and always make me turn up to help them. Add into that my Uni work (what with a degree being the actual reason I'm here and all) and paid work to pay the rent etc and you have one ridiculously stressed, very knackered Sarah. My current track is to try and convince the Union to pay me by the hour, its a long shot but worth a try. The essays are piling up, they are my number one priority and therefore I can't do both DDSF (disabled and dyslexic student forum) and paid work, and DDSF won't pay the rent. Rant over, prayer appreciated :)

Sarah x x

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