Friday, 25 January 2008


So in my successful attempts to avoid writing this essay (which has led to a wasted week) I was wombling around facebook and found a group dedicated to the memory of Heath Ledger. No surprises there- Heath was an amazing actor and people will jump on anything to try and create the next super-group (I may be cynical, maybe they just really liked heath ledger, maybe both?! who knows.) So anyway, I saw that someone had posted that the lovely, Christian people at Westboro Baptist Church, Kansas are going to picket his funeral. Westoboro Baptist Church? I hear you ask, better known as These representatives of Christ on earth are going to picket his funeral because: (and I quote) God Hates Fags! & Fag-Enablers! Ergo, God hates the sordid, tacky bucket of slime seasoned with vomit known as 'Brokeback Mountain - and He hates all persons having anything whatsoever to do with it. Heath Ledger is now in Hell and has begun serving his eternal sentence there - beside which, nothing else about Heath Ledger is relevant or consequential. This and other kind-natured ramblings can be found here (If you want to make yourself sick!)
This has annoyed me for SO many reasons- Firstly, even if you were the kind of Christian that believed that homosexuality is wrong (Which I'm not- I'm a let he who is without sin cast the first stone kind of person) you still have to believe that portraying a homosexual is wrong, which is whole other story, BUT even if you think that acting a homosexual in an oscar-nominated film is wrong, you must still believe in salvation or you're not a christian, so if Heath Ledger had ever prayed for forgiveness he wouldn't be in hell anyway. SO they can't guarantee he's there, even if they believe the biggoted load of nonesense outlined above, as they simply don't know what went on between Heath Ledger and his maker.
Secondly- now we've given these idiots the benefit of 5 minutes of acting as if there was anything salvageable about their point of view on this, can we look at this realistically?! ARGGGGHHHHHHH! These people are the reason that hundreds of thousands of people believe that faith (of any kind) is not for them. They believe that Christians are judgemental and wouldnt accept them, or that they wouldn't fit in. The thing I love about being a Christian is the basic accpetance that I am human and will always f**k up! And so will all my Christian friends. Noone is acceptable because we are all flawed. Noone is perfect. INCLUDING the godhatesfags brigade. They seem intent on turning people away from God in order to preach their intolerant ignorant message.
All I can say is God is love, full stop. Its not for me to analyse or judge on what kind of love that should be, I'll leave it to the big guy and as long as you're not hurting anyone or yourself, I'll leave you to it.
I'm so glad my church is the polar opposite to Westboro Baptist.
Check it out!

Slightly more of a rant than I intended, but hey, not a post about my boring life for once!!

Sarah x x


Anonymous said...

Good post, godhatesfags annoy me too...silly set of beliefs they have!

Sarah said...

Thanks! I had thought noone actually read this, and I can't figure out how to link to other people's blogs so don't want to ask them to link to me if that makes sense!!