Saturday, 16 February 2008

Sorry for the delay...

Exams got into full swing so as you can probably imagine, blogging didn't take first priority! Also, I've been thinking a lot lot LOT about the upcoming officer roles reviews but as I was a returning officer, I was pretty much silenced as wasn't allowed to voice a public opinion on the situation. On thursday I stood down, so expect a big ol' blog on that in the next couple of days.
I started all my new modules this week. I love the first lectures of a new module, my mum described a degree to me as 'islands of knowledge' in the cafe at tesco this morning, its so true! There is so much German and History I will never know, and yet these little bits which I know in so so much detail. Odd but cool. Just in case you were wondering this semester I'll be doing; Austria Today (current affairs), history and dialectology of the german language, Fascism (which I still try and leave the first s out of) and Britsh colonialism 1814-1904. I'm excited! (but its fine that you're not, honest, just fake smile at your screen).
I'm off for noodles for tea, I'm worryingly excited!!!!

1 comment:

Guy said...

I have a blog too now. :).