Sunday, 1 June 2008

Chirpy Chirpy Chirpy

Well you can't keep a Sarah down for long (unless she's asleep in which case you might be waiting a while...) and, dear reader, I'm feeling far chirpier over the past week (despite a ridiuclous number of horrible exams.) This has resulted in me standing in the living room SCREAMING and bouncing at my poor mis-used flatmates this afternoon, because I have a summer job opposite the Prater in the centre of Vienna!! Geil, oder? I had a fantastic phone interview with the main guy today, it's an english language day camp and honest to goodness, I am counting the seconds. I am overdue a holiday! I'm sharing a class of 4-8 year olds (theres 3 classes in that age group, I'm hoping for the middle one so 5-6 year olds) with another counsellor. I take them 9-4 every day, registration then accompany them to the specialist counsellors for dance, craft, music and sports, then I'm their english specialist so teach them English for an hour and a half a day. I'm so excited- it'll hopefully be everything I loved about YA! without any of the crap that came with being on a residential camp (bongs, homesickness etc.) Unfortunately this huge mood swing has left me more hyper than a kid with ADHD on red bull, and the revision for Oesterreich Heute at 9am tomorrow is not going well.
In other news, the British Council contacted me this week to tell me I'm in a special school for my teaching in Hamburg- not what I was expecting but should still be a laugh!!

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