Monday, 23 June 2008

Exams, essays and midnight beaches

Again a long gap, that's what 7 exams and 5 essays in under 3 weeks does to you! sorry, dear non existent reader!
Exams were OK, essays will be finished by Thursday (I had knee-related grounds for extensions) and then Sunday morning the excitement begins... I fly to Vienna!! woop woop! a month of teaching english and chilling out with (hopefully) lovely people!
Have nipped home for a couple of days to really purge my room of crap in an attempt to make the amalgamation of my Sheffield stuff and residual Norfolk rubbish less of a chore. Met up with some school friends which was lovely, we ended up having a bbq on the beach in the dark- SO much fun!
Have to dash again, will do the God on Mute post when I've retrieved it from under my bed and attempted to finish the last 2 chapters!


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